What do you see as the main challenges in terms of well-being at work?
Quality of life at work is fundamental. It has always been one of Délifrance’s values. After the COVID-19 pandemic period, we set up a remote work agreement. We also launched our first survey on psycho-social risks. The results are quite good and actions are being implemented.
Overall, employees say they feel good in the company and get on very well with their colleagues. This is crucial. That is why we have stepped up management training and developed targeted coaching. These issues will also be addressed following the engagement survey.
How is Délifrance positioning itself on the subjet of gender equality in the workplace?
It is a crucial issue: ensuring that women are well represented in our teams and that there is gender equality at work is one of our values. In a historically male dominated sector, it is a challenge, but we are working hard to meet it: we are paying particular attention to recruitment, pay and promotions. For example, 50% of the managers we recruited in 2022 were women in France.
Are there any special initiatives in place to deal with disability?
In theory, all our jobs are open to people with disabilities.
Beyond recruitment, the challenge is to help our employees be open-minded about disabilities. In November, we relaunched Disability Week, which was put on hold because of COVID-19.